Farmland Blog - Whitaker Marketing Group - Auctions & Real Estate

Farmland Blog

Modern farming with tablet and cornfield

Investing in Iowa Farmland: A Lucrative and Rewarding Opportunity

Why Investing in Iowa Farmland Can Be a Wise Decision As an investor, you're likely always on the lookout for opportunities that can provide a strong return on investment. If you're willing to think outside the box, you might consider investing in Iowa farmland. Yes, you read that right – Iowa farmland! While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about investment opportunities, Iowa farmland has proven to be a wise and lucrative decision for many investors. A Growing Demand for Agricultural Products Iowa is often referred to as the "Food Capital of the World," and for good reason. The state is the leading producer of corn and soybeans in the United States, and its agricultural industry is a significant contributor to the national economy. With a growing global population and increasing demand for food, the demand for agricultural products is only expected to continue to rise. A Strong Track Record of Appreciation Iowa farmland has consistently appreciated in value over the years, making it an attractive investment opportunity. According to data from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the value of Iowa farmland has increased by over 200% since 1990. That's a remarkable return on investment! Rental Income Potential In addition to appreciation, Iowa farmland can also provide a steady stream of rental income. Many farmers and agricultural businesses lease land from investors, providing a regular source of income. With careful management, rental income can help offset expenses and provide a positive cash flow. Tax Benefits Investing in Iowa farmland can also provide valuable tax benefits. Landowners can take advantage of deductions for operating expenses, such as equipment and supplies, as well as depreciation on the land itself. Additionally, capital gains taxes are typically lower on agricultural land than on other types of property. Low Maintenance and Minimal Risk Unlike other types of investments, such as stocks or real estate, Iowa farmland requires minimal maintenance and upkeep. Once you've purchased the land, you can sit back and let Mother Nature do her thing – no need to worry about leaky faucets or creaky stairs! A Sense of Pride and Connection to the Land Finally, investing in Iowa farmland can provide a sense of pride and connection to the land. Many investors find it fulfilling to be part of the agricultural process, knowing that their investment is helping to feed families and communities. Investing in Iowa farmland may not be the most conventional investment opportunity, but it's certainly one worth considering. With its strong track record of appreciation, rental income potential, tax benefits, low maintenance requirements, and sense of pride, Iowa farmland can be a wise decision for investors looking for a unique and rewarding investment opportunity. So why not consider breaking new ground (pun intended!) and exploring the world of Iowa farmland investing?Read More

Close-up of tall green corn plants against a cloudy sky.

Iowa Farmland Market Trends: Understanding the Recent Price Drop

Why Iowa Farmland Prices Are Dropping and What It Means for You Iowa farmland prices have recently dropped by 3% compared to a year ago. This shift is creating new opportunities and challenges for both buyers and sellers in the farmland market. Let’s dive into why this decrease is happening and how it might impact your next land transaction. What’s Happening with Farmland Prices? Over the past year, Iowa farmland prices have seen a 3% decrease. This drop reflects broader economic trends and shifts in the agricultural market. Why Are Prices Dropping? Economic Shifts : Inflation and rising interest rates have increased borrowing costs, making farmland financing more expensive and reducing demand. Crop Price Fluctuations : Changes in the prices of key crops like corn and soybeans affect farmers' income, which can influence their willingness to invest in higher-priced land. Policy Changes : Adjustments in government subsidies and conservation programs can impact farmland values and farm income. Increased Supply : More farmland on the market or slower land acquisition can lead to oversupply, contributing to lower prices. What Does This Mean for You? For Buyers: Better Deals : The 3% decrease in prices offers an opportunity to purchase land at more favorable rates. Negotiation Leverage : Buyers might find more room to negotiate terms and prices with this downward trend. For Sellers: Adjusting Expectations : Sellers may need to align their pricing with current market conditions to attract buyers. Timing Matters : Collaborating with a real estate expert can help you choose the best time to list your property. Need Expert Advice? Navigating these market changes can be complex. As an Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) , I offer personalized guidance to help you make the most informed decisions. Whether you're buying or selling, understanding the market and working with a knowledgeable professional can make all the difference. Feel free to reach out if you need more information or want to discuss your options. Together, we can navigate this evolving market and find the best opportunities for you!Read More

Image of hands holding a tree and coins, symbolizing stability and prosperity in the farmland market.

David Whitaker's Address to the Iowa Trust Association Members: Navigating Farmland Market Trends

David Whitaker on Farmland Market Trends: Insights for Iowa Trust Association Members Dear Iowa Trust Association Members , I hope this message finds you well. As a dedicated partner in the farmland real estate sector across Iowa, I wish to share some key insights regarding the current land market and upcoming agricultural prospects. Market Resilience Amidst Price Adjustments Firstly, it's important to note that land prices have seen a decline of approximately 3.5% recently. Despite this, the market remains steady, showing resilience in face of various economic pressures. Quality continues to dictate the market dynamics, with high-quality farms maintaining strong sales performance, while the medium-quality segment shows more variability in both interest and price. Stable Agricultural Outlook In addition, the latest crop predictions from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggest a stable outlook for the upcoming season. The USDA forecasts indicate that despite some regional variances, overall crop yields are expected to be robust, which could have a positive impact on land values as we move forward. Insights from the Realtor Land Institute of Iowa Furthermore, the Realtor Land Institute of Iowa has released their most recent survey, which provides an in-depth analysis of market trends and land values. Their findings support the notion that well-managed, strategically located land continues to be a solid investment, even in times of market fluctuation. Your Trusted Resource for Farmland Real Estate As your trusted resource for farmland real estate and auctions, we are committed to keeping you informed and equipped with the necessary data to make informed decisions. Whether you are selling or seeking advice on land acquisition, we are here to provide expert guidance and support. Thank you for your continued trust in our services. We look forward to helping you navigate the intricacies of the land market and achieve your real estate goals. Warm regards, David Whitaker Owner/Auctioneer/Realtor Whitaker Marketing Group 515-996-LAND (5263) Whitaker Marketing Group Read More

Young corn plants struggling to grow in cracked, dry soil under a blue sky.

Navigating Through Seasons: Iowa's Corn and Soybean Yield Prospects and the Impact of Weather Patterns

Navigating Through Seasons: Iowa's Corn and Soybean Yield Prospects and Weather Impacts As Iowa farmers gear up for the upcoming planting season, understanding the expected yields for corn and soybeans, as well as how weather patterns might influence these crops, is crucial. The USDA's latest reports provide valuable insights into these aspects, guiding farmers towards informed decisions for their operations. Corn and Soybean Yield Forecasts in Iowa For the year 2024, Iowa's agricultural landscape continues to be a powerhouse in the production of two of the country's most crucial crops: corn and soybeans. According to the latest USDA forecasts, Iowa is setting the stage for significant production levels, despite the ever-present challenges posed by nature and market dynamics. Corn: The heartland remains a leader in corn production, showcasing robust figures that underline its vital role in both domestic and international markets. While specific yield figures fluctuate based on various factors including weather conditions and technological advancements, the general outlook remains positive, highlighting the efficiency and resilience of Iowa's corn farmers. Soybeans: Similarly, soybean production in Iowa reflects the state's agricultural prowess. The forecasts suggest a stable production outlook, with yield predictions holding steady. This indicates a promising scenario for soybean farmers, supported by advances in farming practices and genetic improvements in soybean varieties. Weather Patterns: A Key Influencer Weather patterns play a pivotal role in the success of the planting season. Iowa's climate, characterized by its variability, can pose significant challenges to farmers. Key weather-related factors to watch include: Spring Rainfall: Adequate spring rainfall is essential for germinating seeds and establishing crops. However, excessive rain can lead to waterlogging and planting delays, which in turn can affect the growth cycle and yields. Summer Heat and Drought: The critical growing months of June, July, and August can be make-or-break for Iowa's corn and soybean crops. Optimal temperatures and timely rainfall support crop development, while heatwaves and drought can severely impact yields. Frost Dates: Early frost can prematurely end the growing season, reducing yields. Farmers need to monitor fall weather forecasts closely to mitigate risks to their crops. Adaptive Strategies Given the uncertainties associated with weather patterns, Iowa farmers are advised to adopt flexible and adaptive strategies. This includes staying informed about the latest weather forecasts, considering drought-resistant crop varieties, and implementing soil conservation techniques. In conclusion, while the USDA's forecasts provide a hopeful outlook for corn and soybean yields in Iowa, success in the fields will ultimately depend on how well farmers navigate the challenges posed by weather patterns. By combining the latest agricultural data with adaptive farming practices, Iowa's farmers can continue to thrive in an ever-changing climate. For detailed yield forecasts and agricultural statistics, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service offers comprehensive reports and updates​ ( NASS USDA )​​ ( USDA )​​ ( NASS USDA )​.Read More

A green John Deere tractor with a yellow planter working in a field at sunset.

The Essential Spring Planting Guide for Farmers: Preparing for a Prosperous Season

The Essential Spring Planting Guide for Farmers: Preparing for a Prosperous Season As the last frost of winter thaws and the first green shoots of spring begin to emerge, farmers across the Midwest are turning their thoughts to the most critical time of the year: spring planting season. This period sets the stage for the year's harvest, making preparation and timely action crucial. This guide offers comprehensive insights into spring planting, ensuring you're well-prepared for a successful planting season. Understanding the Importance of Spring Planting Spring planting is more than just a seasonal task; it's the foundation of the agricultural calendar. The decisions made and actions taken during this time affect not only the upcoming harvest but also the long-term health of the land. Proper planning and execution can lead to a prosperous harvest, ensuring the sustainability of farming operations and the environment. Spring Planting Checklist for Farmers To streamline your preparations and ensure nothing is overlooked, we've compiled a detailed checklist for your spring planting season: 1. Soil Testing and Preparation Conduct Soil Tests: Early spring is the ideal time to test your soil's pH and nutrient levels. This will guide your fertilization and amendment strategies. Till and Amend Soil: Based on your soil test results, incorporate the necessary amendments to optimize soil health and fertility. 2. Equipment Maintenance Inspect and Repair Farm Equipment: Ensure that all planting machinery and tools are in good working order. Pay special attention to seed drills, plows, and tractors. Calibrate Planting Equipment: Proper calibration ensures that seed placement and depth are consistent, which is crucial for optimal germination and growth. 3. Seed Selection and Purchase Choose High-Quality Seeds: Select varieties that are well-suited to your region's climate and soil type. Consider disease resistance, maturity time, and market demand. Order Seeds Early: Secure your seed supply well in advance to avoid shortages and ensure you get the varieties you want. 4. Pest and Weed Management Planning Develop a Pest Management Plan: Identify potential pest issues based on previous seasons and current forecasts. Plan your integrated pest management (IPM) strategies accordingly. Pre-Emergent Weed Control: Apply pre-emergent herbicides if necessary, based on the crops you plan to grow and the weed history of your fields. 5. Field Mapping and Crop Rotation Plan Crop Rotation: Rotate crops to reduce pest and disease buildup and improve soil health. Map Your Fields: Document what will be planted where, taking into account the specific needs of each crop and field. 6. Establishing a Planting Schedule Consider Local Frost Dates: Planting too early or too late can jeopardize seedlings. Base your planting schedule on the last expected frost date in your area. Stagger Planting Times: If possible, consider staggered planting to spread out your harvest and reduce risk.Read More

Map of Hancock County, Iowa showing major cities and highways.


Farmland in Hancock County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Hancock County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Hancock County land agent. Location: Northern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $11,425.92 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 13 farmland auctions in Hancock County in 2023. There were 1,214.7 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $12,484.46 The average $/CSR2 was $185.55/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 19 farmland auctions in Hancock County in 2022. There were 2,362.54 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $12,081.58. The average $/CSR2 was $173.53/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 11 farmland auctions in Adair County in 2021. There were 1,372.21 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $11,209.55. The average $/CSR2 was $131.86/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 74.6 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 204.9 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 60.2 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $261 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Forest City, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Klemme, Corwith, Crystal Lake, Woden, Goodell, Duncan, Miller, Hayfield, Hutchins Adjacent Counties: Winnebago , Cerro Gordo , Wright , Kossuth County Seat: Garner County Website: Learn more about the county at Hancock County Website Additional Hancock County Agricultural Informational Website: Hancock County Iowa Farm Service Agency  County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Hancock County History: Hancock County i s a county in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 10,795. The county seat is Garner. The county was founded on January 15, 1851, and named in honor of John Hancock, a leader of the Continental Congress during the American Revolution. Hancock county was established as a result of an election on June 28, 1858. At the time two townships, Avery and Madison, were also established. Soon after a courthouse was built in Garner, Iowa that continues to be the county seat. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map of Allamakee County, Iowa, showing towns and highways.


Farmland in Allamakee County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Allamakee County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Allamakee County land agent. Location: Central Iowa Average Farmland Value: $10,935 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 7 farmland auctions in Allamakee County in 2023. There were 666.62 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,750 The average $/CSR2 was $155.25/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 10 farmland auctions in Allamakee County in 2022. There were 1,054.49 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $9,758.80 The average $/CSR2 was $190.50/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 11 farmland auctions in Allamakee County in 2021. There were 1,640.14 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,776.45 The average $/CSR2 was $242/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 40.8 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 183.9 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 52.2 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $278 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Waukon, Postville, Lansing, New Albin, Harpers Ferry, Waterville Adjacent Counties: Clayton , Winneshiek , Fayette , Houston (Minnesota), Vernon (Wisconsin), Crawford (Wisconsin) County Seat: Waukon County Website: Learn more about the county at Allamakee County Website Additional Allamakee County Agricultural Informational Website: Allamakee County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Allamakee County History: Allamakee County (/ˈæləməˌki/) is the northeasternmost county in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 14,061. Its county seat is Waukon. Allamakee County was formed on February 20, 1847. The derivation of the name is debated, some believing it was the name of an Indian chief, others think it was named for Allen Magee, an early historic trader. The first Allamakee County Courthouse in Waukon, built in 1861, now serves as the Allamakee County Historical Museum. The present Allamakee County Court House was built in 1940. Both courthouse buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page. Read More

Map showing Lee County, Iowa, with towns and highways.


Farmland in Lee County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Lee County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Lee County land agent. Location: Southwest Iowa Average Farmland Value: $8,248.86 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 13 farmland auctions in Lee County in 2023. There were 961.55 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,548.85 The average $/CSR2 was $171.10/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 6 farmland auctions in Lee County in 2022. There were 568.46 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $10,417.20 The average $/CSR2 was $175.10/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 10 farmland auctions in Lee County in 2021. There were 721.4 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,400 The average $/CSR2 was $150.35/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 52.3 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 203.7 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 66.1 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $204 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Fort Madison, Keokuk, West Point, Donnellson, Montrose, Denmark, Mooar, Sandusky, Houghton, Franklin, St. Paul, Wever, Argyle Adjacent Counties: Henry , Des Moines , Van Buren , Henderson (Illinois), Hancock (Illinois), Clark (Missouri) County Seat: Fort Madison / Keokuk County Website: Learn more about the county at Lee County Website Additional Lee County Agricultural Informational Website: Lee County Iowa Farm Service Agency  County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Lee County History: Lee County is the southernmost county in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 33,555. The county seats are Fort Madison and Keokuk. Lee County is part of the Fort Madison–Keokuk, IA-IL-MO Micropolitan Statistical Area. It was established in 1836. There is no consensus about the derivation of the name "Lee." It has been variously proposed that the county was named for Marsh, Delevan & Lee, of Albany, New York, and the 'New York Land Company', who owned extensive interests in the Half-Breed Tract in the 1830s; Robert E. Lee, who surveyed the Des Moines Rapids; or Albert Lea, who helped explore the interior of Iowa. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map showing the border of Des Moines County, Iowa


Farmland in Des Moines County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Des Moines County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Des Moines County land agent. Location: South-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $6,023.21 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 4 farmland auctions in Des Moines County in 2023. There were 384.97 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $12,950. The average $/CSR2 was $166.50/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There was 1 farmland auction in Des Moines County in 2022. There were 75.56 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,500. The average $/CSR2 was $81/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Des Moines County in 2021. There were 40.28 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $4,300 The average $/CSR2 was $144/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 67 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 207.9 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 65.6 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Burlington, West Burlington, Mediapolis, Beaverdale, Danville, Middletown Adjacent Counties: Louisa , Hancock , Lee , Henry County Seat: Burlington County Website: Learn more about the county at Des Moines County Website Additional Des Moines County Agricultural Informational Website: Des Moines County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Des Moines County History: Des Moines County is located in the  U.S. state  of  Iowa . As of the  2020 census , the population was 38,910.  The  county seat  and largest city is  Burlington .  It is one of Iowa's two original counties along with  Dubuque County ; both were organized by the  Michigan Territorial  legislature in 1834. At an extra session of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of  Michigan Territory  held in September, 1834, the  Iowa District  was divided into two counties by running a line due west from the lower end of  Rock Island  in the  Mississippi River . The territory north of this line (which started just south of the present-day  Davenport ) was named Dubuque County, and all south of it was Demoine County. It was named after the  Des Moines River .  From July 3, 1836, until July 3, 1838, Des Moines County was part of  Wisconsin Territory . The county underwent various border changes during this time. July 4, 1838, the named county became part of  Iowa Territory  (later the state of Iowa) The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page. Read More

Map of Henry County, highlighting key towns and roads.


Farmland in Henry County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Henry County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Henry County land agent. Location: South-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $7,383 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 2 farmland auctions in Henry County in 2023. There were 303.86 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $10,700 The average $/CSR2 was $209/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 3 farmland auctions in Henry County in 2022. There were 297.62 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $11,166.67 The average $/CSR2 was $150.38/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auctions in Henry County in 2021. There were 151 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,900. The average $/CSR2 was $187/ CSR2. Average CSR2 Rating: 63.8 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 195.1 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 63.9 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Mount Pleasant, New London, Winfield, Wayland, Salem, Olds, Hillsboro, Mount Union, Rome, Westwood, Coppock Adjacent Counties: Washington , Louisa , Des Moines , Lee , Van Buren , Jefferson County Seat: Mount Pleasant County Website: Learn more about the county at Henry County Website Additional Henry County Agricultural Informational Website: Henry County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Henry County History: Henry County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 20,482. The county seat is Mount Pleasant. The county was named for General Henry Dodge, governor of Wisconsin Territory. Henry County was formed on December 7, 1836, under the jurisdiction of Wisconsin Territory, and became a part of Iowa Territory when the Iowa Territory was formed on July 4, 1838. It was named for General Henry Dodge. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map highlighting Louisa County, Iowa, with towns and highways.


Farmland in Louisa County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Louisa County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Louisa County land agent. Location: South-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $7,370 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 2 farmland auctions in Louisa County in 2023. There were 415 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,300. The average $/CSR2 was $146/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 2 farmland auctions in Louisa County in 2021. There were 210 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $11,200. The average $/CSR2 was $150/ CSR2. Land Auctions in 2020: There were 2 farmland auctions in Louisa County in 2020. There were 228 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,500. The average $/CSR2 was $81/ CSR2. Average CSR2 Rating: 63.7 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 191.7 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 56.7 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Spencer, Royal, Everly, Peterson, Gillett Grove, Fostoria, Dickens, Rossie, Greenville, Webb Adjacent Counties: Johnson , Muscatine , Des Moines , Henry , Washington , Rock Island (Illinois), Mercer (Illinois) County Seat: Wapello County Website: Learn more about the county at Louisa County Website Additional Louisa County Agricultural Informational Website: Louisa County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Louisa County History: Lou isa County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 10,837. The county seat is Wapello. Louisa County was formed on December 7, 1836, as a part of Wisconsin Territory. Two theories have been offered for the origins of its name: one is that it was named after Louisa Massey, who was very well known in the area at the time because she avenged the murder of her brother when she shot the party responsible; the other is that it was named after Louisa County, Virginia. Louisa County became a part of Iowa Territory upon its formation on July 4, 1838 . The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map of Van Buren County, Iowa showing towns and highways.


Farmland in Van Buren County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Van Buren County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Van Buren County land agent. Location: South-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $6,419 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 4 farmland auctions in Van Buren County in 2023. There were 610.79 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,450 The average $/CSR2 was $202/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 4 farmland auction in Van Buren County in 2022. There were 415 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,863. The average $/CSR2 was $203/ CSR2. Land Auctions in 2020: There was 1 farmland auction in Van Buren County in 2020. There were 46 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,000. The average $/CSR2 was $122/ CSR2. Average CSR2 Rating: 49 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 189.3 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 59.3 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $204 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Keosauqua, Farmington, Milton, Birmingham, Bonaparte, Stockport, Cantril, Douds, Leando, Mount Sterling Adjacent Counties: Jefferson , Henry , Lee , Clark , Davis County Seat: Keosauqua County Website: Learn more about the county at Van Buren County Website Additional Van Buren County Agricultural Informational Website: Van Buren County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Butler County History: Van Buren County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census the population was 7,203, making it the state's tenth-least populous county. The county seat is Keosauqua, which contains the oldest continuously operational courthouse in the state of Iowa, and second oldest in the United States. Van Buren County was formed on December 7, 1836, as a part of Wisconsin Territory, and was split off from Des Moines County. It was named for President Martin Van Buren. It became a part of Iowa Territory (later the state of Iowa) when that territory was organized on July 4, 1838. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map highlighting Jefferson County, Iowa.


Farmland in Jefferson County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Jefferson County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Jefferson County land agent. Location: South East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $8,108 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa: $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 2 farmland auctions in Jefferson County in 2023. There were 148 Acres sold at auction The average farmland price per acre was $9,350. The average $/CSR2 was $160/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 6 farmland auctions in Jefferson County in 2021. There were 466 Acres sold at auction The average farmland price per acre was $8,683. The average $/CSR2 was $128/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2020: There was 1 farmland auction in Jefferson County in 2020. There were 199.48 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,350. The average $/CSR2 was $90/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 61 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 195.1 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 57.9 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre in 2022: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Fairfield, Batavia, Maharishi Vedic City, Libertyville, Lockridge, Packwood, Pleasant Plain, Coppock Adjacent Counties: Keokuk , Washington , Henry , Van Buren , Wapello County Seat: Fairfield County Website: Learn more about the county at Jefferson County Website Additional Jefferson County Agricultural Informational Website: Jefferson County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Jefferson County History: Jefferson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 United States Census, the population was 15,663. The county seat is Fairfield. The county was formed in January 1839, and was named for U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map of Davis County, Iowa, displaying borders and surrounding areas


Farmland in Davis County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Davis County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Davis County land agent. Location: South-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $6,050 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 2 farmland auctions in Davis County in 2023. There were 98.04 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,975 The average $/CSR2 was $98/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There was 1 farmland auction in Davis County in 2022. There were 151.73 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,000. The average $/CSR2 was $96/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Davis County in 2021. There were 5.4 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,900. Average CSR2 Rating: 46.7 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 179.8 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 53.4 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Bloomfield, Pulaski, Drakesville, Floris Adjacent Counties: Wapello , Monroe , Van Buren , Jefferson , Appanoose County Seat: Bloomfield County Website: Learn more about the county at Davis County Website Additional Davis County Agricultural Informational Website: Davis County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Davis County History: Davis C ounty is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 9,110. The county seat is Bloomfield. Davis County was named in honor of Garrett Davis, a Congressman from Kentucky from March 4, 1839, until March 3, 1847, and later a US Senator from Kentucky. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

A map of Wapello County, Iowa highlighting various towns and highways.


Farmland in Wapello County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Wapello County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Wapello County land agent. Location: South East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $5,156 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There was 10 farmland auction in Wapello County in 2023. There were 916.95 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,690 The average $/CSR2 was $74/ CSR2. Land Auctions in 2022: There were 7 farmland auctions in Wapello County in 2022. There were 572.57 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,317.86 The average $/CSR2 was $130.24/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 3 farmland auctions in Wapello County in 2021. There were 489.88 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,375 The average $/CSR2 was $121.67/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 56.6 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 202.9 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 61.7 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Ottumwa, Eddyville, Eldon, Agency, Blakesburg, Kirkville, Chillicothe Adjacent Counties: Mahaska , Keokuk , Jefferson , Davis , Monroe County Seat: Ottumwa County Website: Learn more about the county at Wapello County Website Additional Wapello County Agricultural Informational Website: Wapello County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Wapello County History: Wapello County is a  county  located in the  U.S. state  of  Iowa . As of the  2020 census , the population was 35,437.  The  county seat  is  Ottumwa .  The county was formed on February 17, 1843, and named for  Wapello , a  Meskwaki  chief. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page. Read More

A map of Washington County, Iowa highlighting towns and major highways.


Farmland in Washington County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Washington County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Washington County land agent. Location: North-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $7,055 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There was 1 farmland auction in Cherokee County in 2023. There were 133.16 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,300. The average $/CSR2 was $110/ CSR2. Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Cherokee County in 2021. There were 73.11 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $12,100. The average $/CSR2 was $166/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2019: There were 2 farmland auctions in Cherokee County in 2019. There were 183 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $4,138. The average $/CSR2 was $60.5/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 68 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 188.3 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 60.1 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Washington, Kalona, Wellman, Riverside, Brighton, Ainsworth, Crawfordsville, West Chester, Coppock Adjacent Counties: Iowa , Johnson , Louisa , Henry , Jefferson , Keokuk County Seat: Washington County Website: Learn more about the county at Washington County Website Additional Washington County Agricultural Informational Website: Washington County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Washington County History: Washington County is a  county  located in the  U.S. state  of  Iowa . As of the  2020 census , the population was 22,565.  The  county seat  is  Washington . Washington County is included in the  Iowa City   Metropolitan Statistical Area . Washington County was originally formed in 1838 as Slaughter County in honor of  William B. Slaughter , the secretary of  Wisconsin Territory .  The county, still named Slaughter County, became part of  Iowa Territory  on July 4, 1838, when it was organized. To honor  George Washington , the county opted to change its name on January 25, 1839. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map of Keokuk County, Iowa


Farmland in Keokuk County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Keokuk County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal, reach out to your local Keokuk County land agent. Location: South-East Iowa Average Farmland Value: $6,138 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa: $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There was 1 farmland auction in Keokuk County in 2023. There were 1720.47 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,105.06 The average $/CSR2 was $191.62/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 3 farmland auctions in Keokuk County in 2022. There were 223 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,200 The average $/CSR2 was $149/ CSR2. Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Keokuk County in 2021. There were 187 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,300 The average $/CSR2 was $124/CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 63 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 211.6 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 61.1 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Sigourney, North English, Keota, Hedrick, What Cheer, Richland, Keswick, South English, Ollie, Harper, Martinsburg, Webster, Kinross, Thornburg, Hayesville Adjacent Counties: Poweshiek , Iowa , Washington, Jefferson , Wapello , Mahaska County Seat: Sigourney County Website: Learn more about the county at Keokuk County Website Additional Adair County Agricultural Informational Website: Keokuk County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Keokuk County History: Keokuk County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 United States Census, the population was 10,033. The county seat is Sigourney. Keokuk County was formed in 1837. It was named for Keokuk, the leader of the Sauk tribe, who advocated peace with the white settlers. In May 1843, the county opened for public settlement, with its judicial and regulatory duties assigned to the existing Washington County. Its governing structure was created in 1844, although the seat was not decided (for Sigourney) until 1856. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map of Appanoose County, Iowa, highlighting towns and highways.


Farmland in Appanoose County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Appanoose County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Appanoose County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $6,317 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 20 farmland auctions in Appanoose County in 2023. There were 1864.16 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,972 The average $/CSR2 was $151/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 22 farmland auctions in Appanoose County in 2022. There were 1829.04 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,484.09 The average $/CSR2 was $175.08/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 3 farmland auctions in Appanoose County in 2021. There were 189 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,317 The average $/CSR2 was $151/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 46.7 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 172.8 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 50.7 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Centerville, Moravia, Moulton, Mystic, Cincinnati, Exline, Unionville, Numa, Plano, Rathbun, Udell Adjacent Counties: Monroe , Wapello , Lucas , Davis , Wayne , Schuyler (Missouri), Putnam (Missouri) County Seat: Centerville County Website: Learn more about the county at Appanoose County Website Additional Appanoose County Agricultural Informational Website: Appanoose County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Appanoose County History: Appanoose County is a county in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 12,317. Its county seat is Centerville. Appanoose County was formed on February 17, 1843, from open territory. It was named for the Meskwaki Chief Appanoose, who did not engage in war against Black Hawk, advocating peace. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More



Farmland in Monroe County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Monroe County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Monroe County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $10,935 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $11,581 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 12 farmland auctions in Monroe County in 2023. There were 874.22 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,576 The average $/CSR2 was $153.33/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 7 farmland auctions in Monroe County in 2022. There were 530.38 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,389.29 The average $/CSR2 was $123.67/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There were 3 farmland auctions in Monroe County in 2021. There were 282.85 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,250 The average $/CSR2 was $102.67/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 48.3 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 181.1 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 50.9 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Albia, Eddyville, Moravia, Lovoloa, Melrose Adjacent Counties: Marion , Mahaska , Wapello , Appanoose , Lucas County Seat: Albia County Website: Learn more about the county at Monroe County Website Additional Monroe County Agricultural Informational Website: Monroe County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Monroe County History: Monroe Count y is a  county  located in the south central part of the  U.S. state  of  Iowa . In the early 20th century, it was a center of  bituminous coal  mining and in 1910 had a population of more than 25,000. As mining declined, people moved elsewhere for work. In the  2020 census , the population was 7,577.  The  county seat  is  Albia .  The county, originally called Kishkekosh County after a famous chief of the  Meskwaki ,  was renamed for  James Monroe , fifth  President  of the United States . Wikipedia page . Read More

A map of Wayne County, Iowa highlighting towns and major highways.


Farmland in Wayne County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Wayne County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Wayne County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $12,438 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $11,581 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There was 1 farmland auction in Wayne County in 2023. There were 140 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,850. The average $/CSR2 was $137/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 2 farmland auctions in Wayne County in 2022. There were 111 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,650. The average $/CSR2 was $129/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Wayne County in 2021. There were 36 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,900 The average $/CSR2 was $151/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 50.7 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 177 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 57.1 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Corydon, Seymour, Humeston, Allerton, Lineville, Promise City, Clio, Millerton Adjacent Counties: Lucas , Appanoose , Decatur , Putnam (Missouri), Mercer (Missouri) County Seat: Corydon County Website: Learn more about the county at Wayne County Website Additional Wayne County Agricultural Informational Website: Wayne County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Wayne County History: Wa yne County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 6,497, making it the sixth-least populous county in Iowa. The county seat is Corydon. Wayne County was formed in 1846 but was still attached to other counties for governmental purposes. It was named after General  Anthony Wayne. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

Map highlighting Lucas County, Iowa, with towns and highways.


Farmland in Lucas County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Lucas County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Lucas County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $3,825 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 2 farmland auctions in Lucas County in 2023. There were 464.34 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,583.00 Land Auctions in 2022: There was 1 farmland auction in Lucas County in 2022. There were 27.5 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,900. Land Auctions in 2020: There was 1 farmland auction in Lucas County in 2020. There were 19.5 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,600. The average $/CSR2 was $136/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 43.8 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 173.9 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 51.7 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Chariton, Russell, Lucas, Williamson, Derby Adjacent Counties: Warren , Marion , Monroe , Wayne , Clarke County Seat: Chariton County Website: Learn more about the county at Lucas County Website Additional Lucas County Agricultural Informational Website: Lucas County Iowa Farm Service Agency  County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Lucas County History: Luc as County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 8,634. The county seat is Chariton. The county was formed in 1846 and was named for Robert Lucas, a Governor of the Territory. The 2020 census recorded a population of 8,634 in the county. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page. Read More

Map of Ringgold County, Iowa


Farmland in Ringgold County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Ringgold County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm valuation , reach out to your local Ringgold County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $4,700 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa: $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 3 farmland auctions in Ringgold County in 2023. There were 346.77 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,333.33 The average $/CSR2 was $135.33/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There was 1 farmland auction in Ringgold County in 2022. There were 38 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $6,600 The average $/CSR2 was $156/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Ringgold County in 2021. There were 40.17 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,900 The average $/CSR2 was $210/CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 50.2 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 162.7 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 47.9 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Mount Ayr, Diagonal, Kellerton, Sun Valley Lake, Tingley, Redding, Benton, Delphos, Maloy, Ellston, Beaconsfield, Clearfield, Shannon City Adjacent Counties: Union , Decatur , Harrison (Missouri), Worth (Missouri), Taylor County Seat: Mount Ayr County Website: Learn more about the county at Ringgold County Website Additional Ringgold County Agricultural Informational Website: Ringgold County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Butler County History: Ringgold County is a  county  located in the  U.S. state  of  Iowa . As of the  2020 census , the population was 4,663,  making it the Iowa county with the second-smallest population. The  county seat  is  Mount Ayr . The county is named after  Maj. Samuel Ringgold , a hero of the  Battle of Palo Alto  fought in May 1846, during the  Mexican–American War . It is one of the 26 Iowa counties with a name that is unique across the nation. The information about this county was sourced from a Wikipedia page.Read More

Map of Clarke County, Iowa


Farmland in Clarke County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Clarke County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Clarke County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $14,940 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There were 10 farmland auctions in Clarke County in 2023. There were 157 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $7,006.60 The average $/CSR2 was $115/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There was 1 farmland auction in Clarke County in 2022. There were 20 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,500. The average $/CSR2 was $166/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2020: There was 1 farmland auction in Clarke County in 2020. There were 75 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $3,950. The average $/CSR2 was $101/ CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 47.2 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 170 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 50.7 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Osceola, Murray, Woodburn, Weldon Adjacent Counties: Decatur, Lucas, Madison, Union, Warren County Seat: Osceola County Website: Learn more about the county at Clarke County Website Additional Clarke County Agricultural Informational Website: Clarke County Iowa Farm Service Agency County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Clarke County History: Clarke County  is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 9,748. The county seat is Osceola. The county was formed in January 1846, one of twelve counties established by legislative action in a comprehensive act. It was named for James Clarke, a Governor of the Iowa Territory . The first courthouse for Clarke County was a wood frame two–story structure in Osceola. In 1883 it was replaced with a brick structure on former park area in the town square. By the 1950s this bu ilding was insufficient, and the present modern structure was completed in 1956. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2018. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More

A map of Union County, Iowa showing various towns and highways.


Farmland in Union County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Union County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Union County land agent. Location: Western Iowa Average Farmland Value: $7,762 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There was 1 farmland auction in Union County in 2023. There were 48.75 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $5,500. The average $/CSR2 was $122/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2021: There was 1 farmland auction in Union County in 2021. There were 283 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $8,300. The average $/CSR2 was $128/ CSR2. Average CSR2 Rating: 63.2 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 217 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 59.9 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $203 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Creston, Afton, Lorimor, Cromwell, Arispe, Shannon City, Thayer, Kent Adjacent Counties: Adair , Madison , Clarke , Ringgold , Adams County Seat: Creston County Website: Learn more about the county at Union County Website Additional Union County Agricultural Informational Website: Union County Iowa Farm Service Agency  County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Union County History: Union County is a county in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 12,138. The county was named for the union that people wanted to preserve. Union County was formed in 1853. The current  Union County Court House  was opened in 1952. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page. Read More

Map highlighting Mahaska County, Iowa, with towns and highways.


Farmland in Mahaska County, Iowa Iowa Land Information Discover the various options for acquiring farmland in Mahaska County, Iowa, with in-depth information on typical land prices, current land listings, key towns in the region, and other useful resources to streamline your search for Iowa property. To address any questions or to set up a FREE farm appraisal , reach out to your local Mahaska County land agent. Location: Southern Iowa Average Farmland Value: $8,253 is the average price of farmland in the county. To learn the most current county average farmland value or to learn what your farm value is contact Land Broker David Whitaker 515-996-LAND (5263) Average Farmland Value for Iowa $12,206 an acre Land Auctions in 2023: There was 1 farmland auction in Mahaska County in 2023. There were 168 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $14,200. The average $/CSR2 was $177.5/ CSR2 Land Auctions in 2022: There were 3 farmland auctions in Mahaska County in 2022. There were 558 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $9,833. The average $/CSR2 was $127/ CSR2. Land Auctions in 2021: There were 2 farmland auctions in Mahaska County in 2021. There were 255 Acres sold at auction. The average farmland price per acre was $10,000. The average $/CSR2 was $76/CSR2 Average CSR2 Rating: 68.2 2023 USDA Average Corn Yield: 214.9 2023 USDA Average Soybean Yield: 62.7 ISU Average Cash Rent Per Acre: $240 I SU Average County Cash Rent Per Acre Pasture: $50-$100 Towns: Barnes City, Beacon, Eddyville, Fremont, Keomah Village, Leighton, New Sharon, Oskaloosa, Rose Hill, University Park Adjacent Counties: Jasper , Poweshiek , Keokuk , Wapello , Monroe , Marion County Seat: Oskaloosa County Website: Learn more about the county at Mahaska County Website Additional Mahaska County Agricultural Informational Website: Mahaska County Iowa Farm Service Agency  County Assessor: You can learn individual farm information; parcel ID numbers, farm taxes, recent land sales, and even landowners names and mailing addresses on the county Assessor Page here. FREE Farm Appraisal: Thank you for your interest in the current land values. Fill out our simple contact form or contact David Whitaker your local land agent at 515-966-LAND (5263) Mahaska County History: Mahaska County is a county in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2020 census, the population was 22,190. The county seat is Oskaloosa. The county was organized in 1843 and is named after Chief Mahaska og the Iowa Tribe. The information about this county was sourced from the Wikipedia page.Read More