Record Farmland Sale in Iowa | Top Auction Prices and Market Insights

Record Farmland Sale in Iowa - Top Auction Prices for Iowa Farmland

On August 31st 2022 in Sioux County, Iowa 80.29 acres were sold at a record high of $26,000 an acre.  This 80.29 acres had an amazing CSR of 91.3 and approximately 78.22 tillable acres.  Great farmlands are still selling at excellent prices. Good sale by Vander Werff & Associates.

This may have been an outstanding sale, but this doesn’t mean all farmlands will be a great sale.  We are still noticing a decline in the sale price as well as the number of people that are bidding/offering on average farms.  Make sure if you are thinking about selling your farm that you don’t have a high expectation of bringing $26,000 an acre.  Land sale records give us an insight to what is happening with prices per CSR and location.  Before you think of selling make sure you have someone to help you out that is knowledgeable in this area.  If you don’t know anyone, we can definitely help you out.

Check out the image below for the Top Auction Prices on Farmland in Iowa

Map showing 2022 farmland auction prices in Iowa.