Latest Iowa Land Auction Results: Lyon County Hits $20,500/Acre, Delaware County Reaches $17,400/Acre
Barn adorned with Christmas lights at dusk.

Iowa Land Auction Prices, December 2021

Another week topping $20,000/acre. Lyon County takes highest honors with a sale at $20,500/acre. Delaware County gets honorable mention with a sale of 311.91 acres at $17,400/acre. We’ll have one more week of aggressive auction activity and then just a handful of auctions through the end of the month. If your family will be discussing a loved one’s estate or trust that includes a family farm, my land auction results newsletter can provide you with facts about current land prices. You may download this, or subscribe to the monthly email, here at

Image of Iowa Land Auction Prices, December 2021

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!”

Jim “the Land Talker”